Modern Marvels:Stealth Technology [VHS]
  • Modern Marvels:Stealth Technology [VHS]
  • Modern Marvels:Stealth Technology [VHS]
Código B000006QAG | Disponibilidad En Stock


Modern Marvels:Stealth Technology [VHS]

  • $1875

  • Shipping extra por el proveedor: $425

  • Tiempo estimado de entrega en nuestro almacen entre el 23 - 29 de mayo

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Información del Producto

" The Pentagon denied its existence until the President blew the cover. One of the most expensive projects in military history, it was attacked as an extravagant waste. But the billions of dollars and long years of development paid off during the Gulf War. Night after night, F-117 Stealth Fighters performed their deadly missions undetected by Iraqís multi-billion dollar radar system. Modern MarvelsÔ takes to the skies with the most advanced planes ever built. Learn how the radical design and cutting-edge technology of the F-117 and its larger cousin, the B-2 Bomber, allow these planes to avoid detection by even the most sophisticated radar systems. In exclusive interviews, Air Force officials and company executives recall the long struggle to perfect an "invisible" airplane, and combat pilots reveal what it is like to pilot the most effective strike aircraft ever built. "

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