Science World 1B - Advanced Newspaper Technology, 1979
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Science World 1B - Advanced Newspaper Technology, 1979

  • $499

  • Tiempo estimado de entrega en nuestro almacen el viernes, 24 de mayo

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Información del Producto

Experience the American Journey through our country's visual heritage in this historical recording provided by the National Archives of the United States. A BRIEF HISTORY OF PRESS TECHNOLOGY FROM THE ORIGINAL HAND-DRIVEN PRESS TO THE PRESENT WORLD OF COMPUTERIZED STORY BANKS, MEMORY DISCS, VIDEO TERMINALS, AND COMPUTER/PHOTO PRINTING TECHNIQUES, ADVANCES WHICH HAVE BROUGHT THE COST OF NEWSPAPER PRODUCTION DOWN TO ONE-FIFTH OF WHAT IT WAS 25 YEARS AGO. From the U.S. Information Agency. This historical recording from the National Archives may contain variations in audio and video quality based on the limitations of the original source material. The content summary for this DVD is adapted from an historical description provided by the government agency or donor at the time of production release.

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