Código B08XL9QF8X | Disponibilidad En Stock

337 calificaciones en


  • $1398

  • $962

  • Tiempo estimado de entrega en nuestro almacen el miércoles, 22 de mayo

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Información del Producto

California-based rock band AFI are back with their eleventh album, Bodies. The long standing quartet – comprised of singer Davey Havok, guitarist-keyboardist Jade Puget, bassist Hunter Burgan and drummer Adam Carson – known for their unshakeable connection with their audience is a testament to the band's knack for reinvention, renewal, and exploration, anchored by an unblemished authenticity. A place in rock n' roll history assured by magical musical androgyny, both post-modern and timeless, AFI remains guided by the flames of determination that defined their first ten albums and are sure to drive the next ten and beyond.

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