Senior Fitness with Meredith - 4 DVD Set
Código B09RLTS1XY | Disponibilidad En Stock

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Senior Fitness with Meredith - 4 DVD Set

  • $3999

  • Tiempo estimado de entrega en nuestro almacen el jueves, 9 de mayo

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Información del Producto

Get all 4 Senior Fitness with Meredith DVDs at a special price!COMPLETE CARDIO WORKOUT SERIESJoin us for our easy to follow, fun and energizing cardio workout series as Meredith guides you through various low impact cardio exercises that you can do at home. Low impact cardio exercises are a great way to burn fat, build stamina and give your body an overall boost of energy! This DVD includes Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired.COMPLETE STRENGTH TRAINING WITH DUMBBELLS SERIESJoin us for our complete strength training workout series utilizing light weight dumbbells. These easy to follow routines combine a variety of movements to help build up strength in your full body and cater to all fitness levels. This DVD includes Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired.COMPLETE BALANCE WORKOUT SERIESJoin us for our easy to follow, complete balance training workouts series. In this video, Meredith guides you through various helpful balance training exercises which are designed to help improve your stability, strength and overall balance. This DVD includes Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired.COMPLETE SEATED WORKOUT SERIESJoin us for our complete seated workout series designed to engage all areas of your body in a seated position. Safe and effective routines that give you just the right balance of cardio, strength and core work which you can do easily at home. This DVD includes Closed Captioning for the hearing impaired. Género Exercise & Fitness Formato NTSC, De pantalla ancha Contribuyente Meredith Tiempo de ejecución 4 horas y 25 minutos Fecha de publicación enero 30, 2022

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